Internship Lessons

'Tis the season for students to apply for internships and for organizations and bosses to weigh the value of offering internships.  Consider how Jesus, the leader of arguably the most successful organization of the last 2000 years, approached internships.

The people that follow Jesus are a lot like interns, which brings an interesting question:  if Jesus is all powerful, why does he invite us (even command us) to work for Him?  Jesus doesn't need cheap, temporary labor, does he?

For those of us that follow Jesus, He doesn't need us to do His work.  He invites us to see Him at work. 

When we get hands-on in ministry, especially when we get in over our heads, we get to be eyewitnesses to God at work.  No amount of reading compares to experience (ask the college intern or the medical school resident or the plumber's apprentice).  It moves beyond reading what He did to seeing what He is doing.  From knowing theory, to putting it to practice.

"Go ye therefore" is not our burden, but our benefit. 

Bosses:  We should view Interns not as cheap labor, but as an investment and a personal gift.  (Internship programs would best be viewed as corporate philanthropy rather than HR expense).  The company may budget (or approve) the dollars but you have to budget and give your time.

Interns:  Do the work. Watch and learn.  Give it your all and increase your chances of seeing your leader at work.

(Thank you Emory Moore, for giving me the internship all those years ago...which resulted in a pretty great career, and meeting my really awesome wife)
